ZOE XLC Stroller Hack: Toddler Carseat

Add a toddler carseat to turn it into the perfect travel system

Toddler Carseat

The simple, light, TSA approved toddler carseat can be secured for the perfect travel system. Lift the leg rest up on the XLC and the carseat fits perfectly on to the seat. I attach the seat to the stroller by using either a luggage strap or a bungee cord through the forward facing belt spots and the back of the stroller. Once secured it is stable to go! The great thing is the ZOE XLC weight limit is 50lbs, so you are not at risk of going over the limit. Two carseats fit: one with cupholders and the other without. See blow for exact links.

To Purchase Toddler Carseat, or Toddler Carseat 2

To Purchase Luggage Strap (although there are many options. I do recommend a colorful one so it is easy to see when you are trying to put it on)

To read a review of the Zoe XLC Stroller

Here is a comparison between the XLC and the XL1.

Here is where you can purchase the ZOE XLC (select the XLC model from the tabs), or from the ZOE Website